Updated AFG Equity Portfolio Fact Sheets

Posted by Doug Kinsey - 08 October, 2020


Updated Fact Sheets for our internally-managed proprietary portfolios

I just updated our proprietary equity models for Artifex Financial Group.  It's somewhat encouraging and enlightening to review the statistics on these strategies.  In a year of unprecedented volatility and uncertainty, our approach works.  We focus on finding good values, and sticking to our decisions.  Unless something drastic occurs to an individual company, we typically adopt a buy-and-hold philosophy and focus on a diverse group of names that can weather various economic cycles.

This is the same approach we use when we choose to use outside managers (mutual funds, separate account managers, alternative asset managers) to construct our client portfolios.

Thorough research, due diligence and patience win the day.

If you'd like to review the fact sheets, you can access them below.  As always, feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or comments.

Best regards,

Doug Kinsey

AFG Large Cap Core Portfolio

AFG Cloud 9 Technology Portfolio

AFG SRI Investment Portfolio

Disclaimer:  The statistical information provided is based on standardized portfolios with various inception dates.  An individual investor's returns will vary from these results based on timing, cash inflows and outflows, and degree of customization incorporated within your account.  Past performance is not an indication of future returns, and we make no representations or guarantees regarding future performance of the models.




Topics: Investments, stocks, portfolio models

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