AI - Hype or Reality?

Posted by Doug Kinsey - 15 February, 2023


Hal 9000 iStock



Is AI the flavor of the month, or does it have staying power?

Everyone's talking about artificial intelligence (AI) these days. It's the flavor of the month in the world of technology, and businesses are clamoring to get their hands on it. Financial planning is no different - AI is starting to make its way into financial planning software, promising to make the process easier and more efficient. But what exactly is AI? And how can it help you with your financial planning? In this blog post, we'll explore what AI is and how it can be used in financial planning. Stay tuned!

What is AI?

One of the first exposures to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for many of us was the Hal 9000 computer in Stanley Kubrick's classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hal is a sentient computer, controlling all systems aboard the spacecraft Discovery One, which is tasked with an important mission to Jupiter. As a result of its complex programming, Hal is able to understand its environment and make decisions based on it. Of course, the terrifying aspect of Hal is that it ends up taking over the ship and prioritizing the mission over the life of the astronaut on board.

At a basic level, AI is the combination of computer science and engineering that enables computers to do things normally requiring human intelligence. This includes activities such as interpreting spoken language, recognizing objects in images, making decisions using complex algorithms, and more. AI can be used for a variety of purposes, from helping a computer play chess to operating driverless cars.  

It includes multiple types such as machine learning, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis. Machine learning provides computers with the ability to learn from data input by identifying patterns in data and making decisions without explicit programming. Natural language processing is a form of AI that allows computers ‘read’ text-based data and understand the underlying context. Sentiment Analysis uses algorithms to analyze customer feedback or product reviews to assess how people feel about a certain topic or product. All these different types of AI are being used in various commercial applications such as banking, healthcare, retail, etc and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages - Microsoft is striving to become the industry leader in this space through its various initiatives.

Where AI is used currently 

AI is impacting almost every sector of life, from Investments to writing. It’s now common for hedge funds to rely on artificial intelligence when determining their investment strategies. Similarly, AI is changing how scientific experimentation is conducted; algorithms are being used to quickly analyze millions of data points and suggest further testing or areas of research to focus on. Writing is another field that is undergoing a massive change due to AI’s introduction. From grammar corrections in Google Docs to predictive analysis of email drafts in Outlook, AI makes everyday tasks easier and faster—helping us reach maximum efficiency right out of the gate.

The financial planning profession is undergoing a major transformation due to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. AI is starting to enable financial planners to quickly and accurately analyze large amounts of data, providing them with insights that can help their clients make better decisions. AI-powered tools allow for automated portfolio management, risk assessment, and goal setting. In addition, AI enables advisors to create personalized experiences tailored to each individual client's needs. With these new capabilities in hand, the hope is that financial planners will be able to provide more detailed advice and guidance than ever before - helping their clients reach their goals faster and with greater success.

The advantages and disadvantages of using AI 

AI is being used more and more in many sectors, from business to health care. This technology has a wide range of potential advantages but also comes with certain challenges. On the plus side, AI can significantly reduce redundant tasks, eliminating or minimizing mundane work so people can focus on higher-level thinking. Additionally, AI can help make decisions quickly and accurately without any bias. On the downside, however, it has the potential to take jobs away from people who would otherwise do those tasks and its impact on data accuracy and safety may be hard to control or predict. Despite these drawbacks, AI has the capacity to revolutionize many industries as developers come up with new ways to use this ever-evolving technology.

Predictions for the future of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made incredible advancements in the past decade and is already being used in many aspects of everyday life. AI will continue to rapidly impact our lives, significantly increase efficiency, and replace many tedious manual processes. We should be prepared for a future where AI helps optimize everything from food production to space exploration. We are likely to see more intelligent robots becoming integrated into our daily lives, sophisticated applications able to carry out complex tasks such as medical diagnosis, self-driving vehicles running on roads with perfect safety, and daily operations managed by smart systems that make decisions using advanced algorithms. All of these advancements will make our lives easier, better connected, and more productive than ever before.

Who are the current leaders in AI?

The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is rapidly transforming the way we live and work. Many publicly traded companies are leading the race in developing AI technology and solutions, investing heavily in research and development to stay ahead of their competitors. Companies like Microsoft, Alphabet Inc., IBM, NVIDIA Corporation, Intel Corporation, Inc., Facebook Inc., Apple Inc., Qualcomm Technologies Inc., Inc., and Oracle Corporation are among those at the forefront of this technological revolution. These companies have been harnessing AI’s potential for a variety of applications such as self-driving vehicles, healthcare diagnosis systems, facial recognition software, virtual assistants, language translation services, and much more. As these companies continue to innovate in this space they will be well-positioned to capitalize on what promises to be a lucrative market for years to come.

There are many different forms of artificial intelligence, and it has a wide range of applications in our world today. While there are some advantages to using AI, there are also some disadvantages that need to be considered. It is important to stay informed about the latest developments in AI so that we can make the best decisions for our future. 

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, please reach out to me at and I will send you some comprehensive reports on the topic. 

If you would like to "test drive" one of our AI-driven financial planning tools, click here. 

Author's note:  This blog post was primarily written using an AI writing tool.  I made very few changes to it after prompting the machine with the topic and context.


Topics: artificial intelligence

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